Wednesday 20 August 2014

I can't focus

What has become of me. I have developed this inability to focus on any one thing for longer than, let's say, 17 seconds. Yeah, yeah, there is all that crap that women are multitaskers etc etc. But this is different. I sit down to watch a film or a program with my boyfriend, but yet I can't JUST watch the program! I need to be having a full blown "what's the meaning of life" conversation with him (this is usually a one sided conversation), I need to have my phone in my hand constantly refreshing Facebook and Instagram on the off chance that somebody posted yet another picture of the food they just ate, and of course I NEED my laptop open while I figure out what the hell I am going to do with my life. All this while I am constantly leaning over to himself giving him kisses and hugs (99.99% of which simply he does not want) and petting our dog with one hand or foot depending where he has plonked himself at any given time.

It has even gotten so bad that when I bring the dog for his daily walks I need to bring both my phone and my kindle. Surely in the ten minute, ok more like five minute walk around the block I can just enjoy the fresh air and walk the dog. Oh no! I need to catch up on all my emails while simultaneously reading my latest novel, dragging the dog away from any suspicious, little-dog-tummy-can't-handle rubbish and watching out to see if I need to pick up some canine feces - my favourite job in the world...............NOT!

I don't even get important emails to my gmail inbox really. Ok the odd one that I need to renew my professional membership or one of my faves..... my property tax is due. Urgh! But really it is mostly promotional crap that I have no idea how or why I would even give them my email address. But my goodness am I devoted to checking it every five to ten minutes. God forbid I should actually get an email that requires a response (doubtful and very rare), I need to show that person that I am a desperate dedicated human being and I shall reply at once!

I remember when I first signed up for Facebook, or maybe it was Bebo, I can't remember. But I literally spent an hour at the computer in the evenings, checking my 'loves' and spying on girls from school who I was jealous off disliked, and stalking hot, pimply faced boys that would one day most likely be my husband or long term boyfriends or something. (Ok, they didn't know I existed back then, it's doubtful they know now.... but thankfully I have also forgotten who any of these really I have.....ish). That one hour in the evening was never really extended due to having to share the house computer with every member of the family and the internet being painfully slow! Did we still use dial-up back then...........krrr-shhh-frgggg-bnnnnkkkk-krrrr.... you remember the noise! 'What mam?? You need to use the phone to ring nanny?? But I am on Bebo for god sake, can't she wait'! Oh I do love the wifi!!

But as great as the technological advances are, they come with a price. I cannot just enjoy myself anymore. I cannot relax. I am always turned on, as such.  Where is my power cord or my off button. I want to enjoy my walks and my movie nights. Not feel like I have to be constantly refreshing, constantly in the know and available to people. Maybe I will go a week without a phone or laptop..............ha, yeah right, let's try an hour first! 

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